Sunday, January 1, 2012

My new year eve`s dinner (mon diner de la Saint sylvestre)


D`abord Bonne annee a vous tous .

Voila le Menu :
En entree
Verrines de saumon fume ,mousse d`avocats et fromage frais a l`ail et aux fines herbes

le plat principal :
Poulet au four avec tranches de citron ,olives noires ,poivrons ,thym ,ail et tomates cerises ;accompagne de pommes de terre roties au beurre et aux herbes de provence .

En Dessert:
Nougat glace avec son coulis de fraise (j`ai mis trop de fruits secs j`ai eu du mal a le decouper mais c`etait un delice)

Fisrt Happy new year t oall of you
This is my new year`s Eve menu

For a stater :
Verrines of smoked salmon ,avocado mousse and cream cheese with garlic and herbs

The main dish :
Chicken cooked in the oven with black olives ,lemon ,thyme ,garlic ,red and green peppers .The chicken was served with roasted potatoes

The dessert:
Frozen Nougat and its strawberry coulis( Idid put too much nuts so Ihad a hard time cutting it but it was delicious)

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