Sunday, December 27, 2009
Happy new year
I have not been posting much recently but hopefully 2010 will be a better year .
I wish to all of you a happy new year .
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Poulet au four (one pan chiken bake)
Jai trouve la recette dans un magazine anglais de cuisine que je feuillette depuis quelques annees .
Ingredients :
500 gr poulet (hauts de cuisses)
8 pommes de terre
1 citron coupe en quatiers
8 gousses d`ail
1 poivron
3 cas d`huile d`olive
Quelques branches de thym ( vous pouvez utiliser le them en poudre)
50gr d`olives noires
250 gr de tomates cerise
Dans un plat allant au four mettre le poulet ,les pommes de terre, le citron ,le poivon coupe en tranches ,les gousses d`ail non epluchees et les tomates . saupoudrez de thym ,salez poivrez et arrosez d`huile d`olive
Mettez au four pendant 30 a 40 min(thermostat 180c /350f) jusqua ce que les pommes de terre soient cuites.
Moi je mets sous le grill 5min pour faire dorer les pommes de terre et leur donner un aspect croustillant .
English version
Ingredients :
500gr of chicken tights
5 garlic gloves
4table spoons of olive oil
sal ,pepper ,Thyme
50gr of black olives
1/2 to one red or green pepper
250gr of cherry tomatoes
1 lemon cut into wedges
In a pan put your chicken ,lemon ,olives ,tomatoes ,potatoes and the garlic .Add salt and pepper and the thyme. Add your olive oil
Put in the oven for 30 to 40 min until the potatoes are cooked(oven 350 F ) .Ftime to time stir in order t oget all the juices mix together
I put my pan to broil for afew minutes it makes the potatoes crunchy .
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Chez Louie Los Angeles
Jai ete a la fin du mois d`octobre pour la premiere fois a Los Angeles .Mon voyage etait plus un voyage d`affaires .Je ne savais pas trop quoi manger vu que mon hotel etait dans un quartier entierement Chinois et comme la cuisine chinoise n`est pas ma cuisine preferee ,je me suis aventuree au centre de la ville et je suis tombee sur cette merveille .
Louie est un resto ,patisserie et aussi epicerie fine que jai adore car tout etait dans mes gouts et les prix netaient pas execessifs pour ce genre d`endroits .
Ihave been to LA for the first time at the end of october .Mt trip was more a business trip . I did not know where t o get a meal My hotel was located in a chinese neighberhood and chinese food not being my favorite I took the chance to wander downtown and I discovered this little place called Louie . It was a restaurant ,bakery and delicatessen .It was good and not so expensive for this kind of place .
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Medeleines a la fleurs d`oranger (orange blossom water Madeleines)
125 gr de farine
125 gr de beurre fondu
125 gr de sucre
2 oeufs
1cac d`eau de fleurs doranger
Dans le bol du Kitchen aid melangez les oeufs et le sucre ,battez jusua l`obtention d`un melange aere ,ajoutez la farine tout en melangeant . Apres ajoutez votre beurre fondu et l`eau de fleurs d`oranger ,melangez encore le tout .
Couvrez les moules a Madeleines de beurre fondu puis de farine (pour que es Madeleine ne collent pas)
Faites cuire 10 in jusqua ce quelles soient dorees
English version :
125 gr of sugar
125gr of flour
125gr of melted butter
1 tea spoon of orange blosson water
2 eggs
In you kitchen`s ai d bowl mix the eggs and the sugar until obtaining a smooth aerated mix . Add your flour mix again .Add your melted butter and the orange blosson water .
Pour all this in your Madeleines pans that you would have covered with melted butter then flour (so it does not stick)
cook at 325 farenheit for 10 minutes until golden .
125 gr de farine
125 gr de beurre fondu
125 gr de sucre
2 oeufs
1cac d`eau de fleurs doranger
Dans le bol du Kitchen aid melangez les oeufs et le sucre ,battez jusua l`obtention d`un melange aere ,ajoutez la farine tout en melangeant . Apres ajoutez votre beurre fondu et l`eau de fleurs d`oranger ,melangez encore le tout .
Couvrez les moules a Madeleines de beurre fondu puis de farine (pour que es Madeleine ne collent pas)
Faites cuire 10 in jusqua ce quelles soient dorees
English version :
125 gr of sugar
125gr of flour
125gr of melted butter
1 tea spoon of orange blosson water
2 eggs
In you kitchen`s ai d bowl mix the eggs and the sugar until obtaining a smooth aerated mix . Add your flour mix again .Add your melted butter and the orange blosson water .
Pour all this in your Madeleines pans that you would have covered with melted butter then flour (so it does not stick)
cook at 325 farenheit for 10 minutes until golden .
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My tea party
Jai recu une amie et pour le the jai fais un gateau renverse aux poireset des tartelettes poires citron decorees de raisin .
Je dois dire que je prefere le gateau renverse a L`Ananas car ccest plus acidule .Jai voulu essayer unfruit dautomne mais jaurai du lutiliser frais et non pas au sirop .
Je naime pas trop les desserts trop sucres ,donc jai trouve les poires trop doucesa mon gout .Enfin cetait lintention qui comptait .
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pains au lait aux pepites de chocolat (Small milk and chocolate chip buns )
C`est une recette trouvee sur un autre blog (culinary delights ),je lai essayee et je trouve que ces pains au lait sont tres moelleux
500 gr de farine
1paquet de levure pour pain
1sachet de sucre vanille
6cas de sucre
50gr de beurre (ramolli)
pepites de chocolat
1oeuf plus du lait =325 gr
1pincee de sel
Jaune doeuf pour la fin
Dans une jarre mettre tous les ingredients sauf le beurre ,melanger le tout puis ajouter la fin le beurre ramolli bien petrir le tout .Il faut obtenir une pate elastique mais pas collante (si elle colle rajouter un peu de farine)
fomer des boules ou des pains et badigeonner les de jaune doeuf .
Laisser reposer une heure (couverts d`un linge propre )
faire cuire 20 minutes jusquace que les pains soient bien dores .
English version:
500gr of flour
1pinch of salt
6 table spoons of sugar
1pack of vanilla sugar
1egg plus milk =325 gr
chocolate chips
egg yolk for the end
50gr of soft butter
In a bowl mix all the ingredients except the butter .Then add your butter and knead for 15 min until obtaining a soft dough that is not sticky
Divide the dough into oblong shapes( shape of a small baguette) or buns .
let it rise for 1hour covered with a clean cloth
Then brush them with the egg yolk.
Bake for 20 min at 325 degrees farenheit until golden
Friday, October 2, 2009
soupe aux crevettes (shrimp soup)
This is arecipe that I read in a blog called `` Tasca da Elvira`` and the result was great .I usually dont like soups but in winter they can be nice and as I love seafood then I tried this one.
I must say that it is delicious .
Cette recette je lai trouvee sur le blog `` La tasca da Elvira``.Dahbitude je naime pas trop les soupes mais celle ci est aux crevettes et comme jaime l es fruits de mer je lai essayee .Le resultat etait genial . Excellente soupe au gout tres fin .
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Morrocan tajine with dried apricots (Tajine Marocain aux abricots secs)
6to 8 pieces of chicken (tighs or legs)
4table spoons of olive oil (Iused butter)
1teaspoon of salt
1/2teaspoon of black pepper
1/4 of teaspoon of ground ginger
pinch of saffron threads (I Have not used it)
1stick of cinnamon (Iused ground cinnamon)
1small onion minced
1cup of water
125gr of pine nuts(Iused slivered almonds)
Apricot sauce
250gr of dried apricots
250ml of water
100gr of sugar
1teaspoon of cinnamon
125gr of butter
Iadded a teaspoon of orange blossom water it gives a nice taste and smell
To prepre the apricot sauce ,place them in pan with water ,cinnamon,sugar,butter then bring to a boil.(have added some orange blossom water) bring to low and let it simmer until you get a thick sauce.
Heat the oil or butter (I used butter) then roast your chicken until golden .Season and add the spices add the onions and water and simmer ,covered for 30min .
To serve arrange the chicken and the apricots on aserving platter .Drizzle withe sauce and garnish with roasted pine nuts (or almonds as I did)
Version francaise
6a 8 morceaux de poulet (cuisses ou haut de cuisses)
4Cas d`huile d`olive(jai utilise du beurre)
1 cac de sel
1/2 cac de poivre
1/4 decac de gimgembre moulu
1 pincee de saffron (je n`en ai pas mis)
1 bton de canelle (jai utilise de la canelle en poudre)
1peit oignon emince
1tasse deau
125gr de pignons de pin (jai utilise des amandes)
sauce a l`bricot:
250gr d`abricots secs
250ml d`eau
100gr de sucre
1cac de canelle en poudre
125gr beurre
Jai ajoute une cac deau de fleurs doranger (casent bon ,ca donne un tres bon gout)
Pour preparer la sauce l`abricot ,mettre les abricots dans une casserole ,ajouter la canelle ,leau ,le sucre ,le beurre etporter a ebulition jai ajoute leau de fleurs d`oranger .faire cuire a feux doux jusqua ceque la sauce reduise .
Cauffer l`huile ou le beurre (jai mis du beurre)et faire sauter le poulet jusquacequ`il soit dore ,Ajouter lesepices l`oignon couvrir dun peu d`eau et laisser mijoter pendant 30min couvert .
Au moment de servir arranger le poulet dans unplat de service ,garnir des abricots puis verser dessus la sauce .Decorer de pignons de pin grilles ou d`amandes concassees et grillees
Monday, September 21, 2009
zaalouk (Eggplant dish from Morocco),salade d`aubergines grillees du Maroc
2or 3 cloves of gralic
olive oil
1teaspoon of cumin
1teaspoon of caraway
Roast the eggplants in a pan( or under the grill) then remove the skin .Bring the tomatoes to aboil (in water) then remove the skin and cut the pulp into small pieces .
In a Pan put the olive oil then add your eggplants cut into smal pieces ,let the mixture cook a little then add your tomato pulp ,the spices and the garlic that has been minced .
Let it simmer for 20 minutes always crushing the eggplants and tomatoes with a fork until you obtain a sort of puree .
you can eat it warm or cold .
Petits fours algeriens(mchakek) ,Algerian cookies
Ces petits fours sont tres reputes dans la region d`Alger ou presque tous les gateaux sont abase de poudre d`amandes .Ils se vent en patisseries ,ils peuvent etre roses ou verts .
On les sert aux mariages par exemples ou autres ceremonies .le qualificatif mchakek signife fissure en francais car a la cuisson le petit four se fissure un peu .
This cookie is very famous in the Algiers area where all cookies are made with almond paste or powder .It is also sold in bakeries ,it can be green or pink.
It is served at wedding recptions or other type of parties .
It is called mchakek which means in Algerian dialect crackled .
225 gr of almond powder
115gr of confection sugar
60 gr of butter
A very small amount of food coloring
1teaspoon of orange blossom water
1 egg
some confection sugar for the end
afew almonds (whole)
In a jar mix the almond powder the egg ,sugar and the butter (not melted but just soft).Once you obtain a paste ,make little balls (size of a whole walnut with its shell of course). Then cover each little ball in confection sugar and put in its center a whole almond .Cook for 15min at 325 degrees .
The cookis have to cook slightly as the center has t o be soft .
225 gr d`amandes en poudre
115 gr de sucre glace
1cac deau de fleurs d`oranger
60gr de beurre mou
un peu de sucre glace pour y rouler les gateaux
quelques amandes entieres
un tout petit peu de colorant alimentaire
Dans une jarre mettre tous les ingredients ,les melanger jusqua obtenir une pate d`amande rose .Faire des petites boules de la taille d`une noix (avec son ecorce) puis rouler ces boules dans le sucre glace .Applatir chaque boule et y mettre une amande entiere au centre .Faire cuire 15min ,jusqua ce que le bas dore cest tout car le centre du gateau doit etre mou .
Monday, September 7, 2009
Stuffed vegetables ( legumes farcis)
For 4 people
4 peppers
2 big zucchinis
4 tomatoes
2 big potatoes
1lb of tomatoes for the sauce
1lb of ground meat (Ihave used chicken )
1 table spoon minced mint
1teaspoon of carvi
1teaspoon of ground cumin
1 egg
salt , pepper
3cloves or garlic
1/2 of a big onion minced
1tablespoon of olive oil
50 gr of parmesan (ground )
In a pan pour your olive oil let it boil then add the onions ,the garlic and then your diced tomatoes, stir and let simmer for 15to 20 minutes add some water .
You should get a thick tomato sauce .Put the sauce aside .
than take the ground meat and mix it to the cheese ,spices ,mint and the egg and then stuff your vegetables with the mix . put your vegetbles intoa dish that goes to the oven and pour the tomato sauce onto it ,then cook for 30to 40 minutes until vegtables are tender (i used 350 farenheit )
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fish tikka Masala (poisson tikka Masala)
Ihave used for this recipe Mahi Mahi ,ithink that i`ts better grilled but Icould not do it so I cooked my fish in the oven .
For the ingredients you can buy them in Indian stores
Pourles ingredients ,on peut les trouver dans les magasins indiens .Jai choisi le Mahi Mahi comme poisson .
For 500 gr of Fish(Mahi Mahi )
1teaspoon of gingerpaste
1teaspoon of garlic paste
3table spoons of tikka masala mix
the juice of a lemon
Mix all the ingredients together then cover the fish with the paste ,leave it to marinate for 1h or so then put it in the oven until cooked (15-20min)
I have served it with a home made ratatouille .
French version:
pour 1 livre de poisson
1cac de pate dail
1cac de pate de gimgembre
le jus dun citron
3cas de melange tikka masala
Melanger les inredients dans un bol puis enduire le poisson de ce melange .Laisser mariner au moins une heure . Griller ou mettre au four pendant 15-20min
Jai servi le poisson accompagne dune ratatouille faite maison .
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
confiture de melon et cardamome (melon and cordamom spread)
Cest ma premiere confiture .Jai essaye la recette du blog ``Cake in the city`` et je dois dire que c`etait reussi et tres rapide a faire .
Vous pouvez voir la recette sur ce blog .Je remercie l`auteur de m`avoir fais decouvrir cette recette .
This is my first spread .Ihave tried the recipe from the blog ``Cake in the city``and I must say that it was a success ,it was also a very fast recipe.
You could find the recipe on that blog . I thank the author that made me discover such a recipe .
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Cuisine marocaine (Fatema Hal )
Voici mon dernier livre de recettes .cest un livre de Fatema Hal en version anglaise .Ilya plus de dix ans j`avais cette femme a la Tv ,elle montrait une recette que je fais regulierement depuis (recette du Zaalouk )
J`ai envie d`essayer quelques tajines et les faire connaitre au public americain aussi .
This is my new recipe book ,it has been written by Fatema Hal .I had seen her on french Tv (when I was still living in France ) she was showing how to make Zaalouk(an eggplant dish) .Fatema Hal has a Morrocan restaurant in Paris named ``la Mansouria``.
I wanted to buy this book as i want to cook some tajines and have my American friends taste North African cuisine .
Clafoutis aux cerises (cherry clafoutis)
Préchauffer le four th 7 ou 180°
Tapisser 6 petits moules individuels de cerises denoyautees .
au couteau pour ne pas les écraser.
Dans un bol:
- Mélanger de la farine ( 100 g )
-sucre ( 50g )
- 2-3 Å“ufs entiers ( 3 )
- Ajouter le lait (+ ou - 25cl )
jusqu’à obtenir un mélange un peu
plus épais qu’une pâte à crêpes.
- Verser la pâte sur les cerises.
Mettre au four pour environ 35 Minutes
Au bout d’une vingtaine de minutes
faire fondre quelques petits morceaux de beurre ( salé ) sur la pâte
et saupoudrer de sucre ,celui ci va carameliser
English version:
preheat your oven 350degrees
pour your cherries (without the pits) in 6 little creme brulee dishes
in a bowl mix :
100gr of flour
50gr of sugar
25cl of milk
pour all this onto the cherries and bake for 35min but around 20minutes of baking add some butter ontop of the pie and sprinkle some sugar .The sugar is going t o be caramelized.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
White chocolate and lime muffins (muffins au chocolat blanc et citron vert)
90gr of sugar
180gr of flour
1pack of baking powder
120ml of milk
75 gr of melted butter
zest of a lime
80 gr of white chocolate chips
In pan (Iuse the Kitchen aid )mix your flour sugar ,a baking powder and the zest of the lime .
In another pan add melted butter (let it cool) ,milk and eggs mix them togeter . Then add all this to the first pan .
Pour the dough into a muffin pan then sprinkle with white chocolate chips (u could also add them to the dough
Bake for 15 to 20min until golden (350 degrees F).
you could also use orange and chocolate chips ,Ithink that the taste will be great .
In order to see the pictures better click on them .I apologize my camera does not do good close ups .
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mango Lassi
serves 4
1 1/4 cups plain low fat yogurt
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 1/4 cups of water
2 tablespoons of fruit puree ( I used fresh mangos that I have pureed myself )
Place the yogurt in pitcher ,whisk until frothy .Add the sugar .
Pour the water and the fruit ,and continue whisking for two minutes .
Pour the Lassi into serving glasses and serve chilled .
Version francaise :
1 1/4 bols de yaourt nature
1ca s de sucre
1 1/4 bol d`eau
2 cas de puree de mangues (jai utilise de la mangue fraiche que jai reduis en puree e n utilisant un mixer)
Mettre le yaourt dans une grande carafe et fouettez jusqua ce que ca paraisse ecumeux.
Versez l`eau et les fruits and continuez a fouetter pendant 2 minuntes .
Versez le Lassi dans des verres et servir frais .Vous pouvez decorer dune feuille de menthe .
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
party at afriend`s house
c`etait a loccasion d `une soiree bijoux (genre soiree tupperwear ) et l` hotesse a fait de la cuisine italienne (etant dorigine italienne ) .Les pates sont des Penne a la vodka et elle a fait des boulettes de viande (plat tres courants ici chez les italo americains)
Jai fais deux gateaux :un plat de ktayef (dessert algerien aux noix ) et un cheesecake au fromage blanc et aux fruits rouges .
This was a jewelry party at a friend`s house .We were having a Cookie Lee show .
As the hostess was from Italian decent ,she cooked some Italian dishes such as meat balls and Vodka Penne .For dessert there were three cakes ,one was a flan cake (a chololate cake with on top of it a caramelized vanilla flan ) ,a white chcocolate and berry cheescake that I made and the third one was a Middle eastern dessert called Katayef (phylo and hair stuffed with walnuts and honey syrup )
This was a jewelry party at a friend`s house .We were having a Cookie Lee show .
As the hostess was from Italian decent ,she cooked some Italian dishes such as meat balls and Vodka Penne .For dessert there were three cakes ,one was a flan cake (a chololate cake with on top of it a caramelized vanilla flan ) ,a white chcocolate and berry cheescake that I made and the third one was a Middle eastern dessert called Katayef (phylo and hair stuffed with walnuts and honey syrup )
Sunday, June 14, 2009
whole foods louisville ,KY
This is a store that is present everywhere inthe US ,itis called wholefoods .The quality of the products is very good but sometimes the prices are too high .You can find a lot of gourmet food.
Ces photos sont celles d`une chaine de magasins nommee wholefoods que l`on trouve dans tous les etats unis .Les produits sont de bonne qualite ,tout y est organique mais les prix sont assez eleves .
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