Chocolate chips Muffins
for 8 muffins
300gr of flour
2 eggs
160ml of milk
100gr of sugar
100 gr of chocolate chips (more if you want)
60gr of pralin(itis a mixture of ground hazelnut and almonds andcaramael,iboughtit from France)
1 pack of baking powder
In Bowl mix the flour with the milk sugar and egg and baking powder .Add the pralin and the chocolate chips ,the dough must be somewhat thick . Put two tablespoons in each hole of the muffin pan .Bake for 20 min .
Muffin aux pepites de chocolat at au pralin
pour 8 muffins
300gr defarine
1 sachet de levure chimique
2 eoufs
100gr de sucre
160ml de lait
100gr de pepites de chocolat
60gr de pralin
for 8 muffins
300gr of flour
2 eggs
160ml of milk
100gr of sugar
100 gr of chocolate chips (more if you want)
60gr of pralin(itis a mixture of ground hazelnut and almonds andcaramael,iboughtit from France)
1 pack of baking powder
In Bowl mix the flour with the milk sugar and egg and baking powder .Add the pralin and the chocolate chips ,the dough must be somewhat thick . Put two tablespoons in each hole of the muffin pan .Bake for 20 min .
Muffin aux pepites de chocolat at au pralin
pour 8 muffins
300gr defarine
1 sachet de levure chimique
2 eoufs
100gr de sucre
160ml de lait
100gr de pepites de chocolat
60gr de pralin
Dans un saladier melanger au batteur la farine ,la levure le lait ,le surcre et les oeufs . Ajouter le pralin et les pepites de chocolat .Mettre environ deux c a s de pate dans les trous du moule a muffins .
Faire cuire pendant 20min environ .
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