Ingredients :
1 teaspoon of Garam Masala
1tea spoon of Curry
1/2 of tea spoon of cinnamon
3 or 4 cordamon pods
1 clove of garlic
3 table spoon of plain yoghourt
1lb of chicken tights
Mix all the spices together with the yogurt in order to obtain a paste then spread it on the chicken .
Cover and refrigerate for one to two hours ,add the garlic that was chopped
Then bake the chicken until golden (you can grill it too )
Serve with a salad or french fries for example .
I made mine with potatoes and carrot that I had added to the chicken .
Pour les francophones:
Ingredients :
1 cacafe de Garam masala
1cacafe de curry
quelques graines de cardamone vete
sel poivre
1cas de yaourt naturel
1/2 a cafe de cannelle
500gr de poulet
2 gousses d`ail
Mettre le poulet dans un plat qui va au four ,.Melanger les epices le sel ,le poivre et le yaourt .Enduire le poulet de cette preparation . Laisser au frigo 1h de temps puis saupoudrer dail hache et mettre au four 20 a 30 min jusqua ceque le poulet soit dore .
vous pouvez aussi griller le poulet au lieu de le cuire au four .
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