Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pineapple upside down cake


1can of pineapples
125 gr of flour
125 grams of granulated sugar
100 grams of sugar for the caramel
125 grams of butter
4 eggs
1 pack of baking powder (20grams of baking powder)

Preheat your oven 350 degres first . Melt the butter. In a large bowl mix the sugar ,the flour, the melted butter ,the eggs and the baking powder .
In a pan melt the rest of the sugar with two spoons of water in order to make a caramel . once it is dark (not burned),pour the caramel into the pan you will use for the cake then on top of the caramel put your pineapples then pour the mix over it . Bake for 30 min .
Once the cake is cooked turn it upside down with the pineapples on top . what i do is that i pour the liquid from thepan into the cake while itis still warm so the cake will be moist .you could use rhum instead of the pineapple juice .


  1. ca a l´air bon ;-)

  2. sans déconner, ca a l´air vraiment bon!

  3. cest un gateau facile afaire et presentable .

  4. que veut dire "Chanteliennes". Je n´ai pas trouvé le sens ds le dico?

  5. tu as des recettes de gateaux orientaux?

  6. le mot est tire dem on nom de famille ,jai invente ce mot .
