This recipe was given to me by Antoine who went ot the same school as myself (lycee Descartes in Algiers) . He lives in Madagascar ,so this recipe is from the Indian ocean ,idont know if itis from Mauritius or the Reunion island but it does not really matter to me as it is delicious and that i love shrimps . i thank Antoine by the way for sharing it with me .
Ingredients :
1 Lbs of shrimps (peeled)
one lemon
1 mango
2 tablesppoons of curry powder
half oan onion
3cloves of garlic
1 can of coconut milk
1 teaspoon of cooking oil
Saute the onion with the oil until transparent ,then add the garlic (chopped) .Add your shrimps and let them cooked until they change color .
Add the zest of a lemon ,the juice of the lemon ,the curry powder and salt and pepper . Then peel your mango and cut it into small cubes and addit tothe shrimps. Add your coconut milk and let simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes .
you can decorate with roasted cashews or almonds and cilanto leaves .
this dish can be served with either jasmine rice or even Basmati rice .
Pour les francophones :
Ingredients :
1 livre de crevettes decortiquees
1 boite de lait decoco
1casoupe de curry
1 citron
sel poivre
1/2 oignon
1 gousse dail
Mettre loignon hache a cuire avec une cuillere a cafe dhuile ajouter lail hache . ajouter les crevettes jusqua cequelle s prenent une couleur blanche .ajouter voire curry sel ,poivre . Rapez le zeste d u c itron et ajouter le a la preparation .
Ajouter votre lait de coco puis la mangue coupee en des . Laisser mijoter jusqua obtenir une sauce epaisse et jaune .
servir avec un riz thai ou Basmati .
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